During the last nine months I have re-discovered photography after having spent the previous 14 years on the sidelines raising a family and spending an inordinate amount of time with a telephone stuck out of my ear or on a plane bound for somewhere other than home.
Becoming re-acquainted with composition, perspective and contrast and letting myself see (as opposed to looking at) the light and shadows has been a sort of re-discovery of the joy that photography has brought to my life. Becoming acquainted with a couple of new cameras (Pentax K10d & Fujifilm F31fd) as well as exposing some film in my trusty Canon A-1 has also been a wonderful experience although I have not exposed (or actuated) many images as I have always believed that there is much more to photography than pressing the shutter. In fact, exposing film (or creating a digital file) is not the goal; for me, seeing the world more clearly, being fully aware, learning about light and shadows and how to use the tools that I possess...this is what photography means to me as the images that I expose are some of the breadcrumbs that I leave behind on my life's path.
If my images also move and please other people than I will be (most) fortunate that they cared to look and attempt to see what I felt while composing the image and pressing the shutter. More importantly, I hope that viewers discover their own perspective and the see the unintended.
For now, I will share a photo (top, Fujifilm F31fd) that a very special person took of me while we were blessed with a Dillon Beach sunset that refused to end...and one (below) that came out of the Pentax K10d with kit lens (SMC Pentax-DA 18-55 F3.5-5.6 AL).